Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Return

For many years it happened time and again, without change - even the workers would notice it, throwing a knowing glance at each other, but never saying a word.  Not even the strain of years of hard work and the slowing of movement that come with age, made a difference: the flicker of hope that shone in the farmers' eyes as looked up every time a vehicle passed on the dirt-road in the distance.

As the sun burnt harshly overhead, and the lines around his ever-searching eyes deepened, that flicker of hope never changed, never faltered.

When the strength to work had left his weary body, the farmer would sit on the porch of the stately farmhouse, from where the workers were ever aware of his gaze on them - and on the road.  Over the years they, too, have come to pause at the sound of a passing vehicle, quickly looking up at the road, and then quickly at the farmer, before they continued with whatever labour was to be done.  At times the farmer would rise quickly, walk to the steps of the porch, and shielding his eyes against the sun, stare into the distance, only to return to his chair once the vehicle had disappeared into the distance.

Over the following years, very little changed.  The workers didn't care to look up any more.  Why would they?  Nothing ever happened.  But something in the farmer also changed.  He didn't care to notice the workers any more.  He only stared at the distant road, as if he knew his days of waiting are running out, as his life was coming to an end, and he needed every bit of strength he had left in him to keep his hopes and his gaze on that long road that stretched into the distance....

It was late one afternoon, when they heard it.  Startled, they didn't know where to look first.  They realised that the old farmer was running, but at first they couldn't see why.  Then the first one saw it, and pointed to the gate.  The others saw it too, and dropped their tools in wonder and amazement:  There, coming through the gate, was a lonely, bent figure, carrying only the burden of a very long, lonely road he had left behind.  The old farmer never stopped running, calling, crying, till at last he reached the lonely figure.

Then, all they could see from that distance, was the lonely figure disappearing in the overwhelming embrace of the old, happy farmer, and all they could hear was the cry of joy for years of waiting that had, at last, come to an end.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Baker

The baker was well-known and well-loved in his village.  Even from neighbouring towns' people would make an extra journey to the baker, as there was always a little extra to be received for their effort:  the raisin-loaves had extra raisins, the croissants were slightly bigger (and definitely tastier), and the savouries always a feast for the eye.  Then there was the widow that might find more than the required change in her purse, or the struggling family would discover an extra bagel or two in their bag.

New-Born's were introduced to him before their own grand-parents met them,  or a new little puppy was shown off before it was taken home (It's OK - I'll clean the puddle!). And be sure to know that no child would leave the bakery without something sweet in the cheek!

His welcoming smile and the cosy cinnamon-and-maple atmosphere of the bakery would invite even the loneliest traveller to pop in for something to eat, and soon little family secrets or private burdens would be shared with the baker - for there was always time to listen and a friendly word to all and any that passed on their need...

Yes, the baker was well-loved by all.

Every evening, as soon as darkness falls, the baker would draw the curtains of his bakery, lock the door, and take the back stairs to his home above the bakery. First he would enter his little girls' bedroom, straighten the bed sheets, and as usual, he would hug the pillow tight to his chest, trying to breathe in any possible remains of her presence.  How many years is it now?  He tries not to remember the last day she waved good-buy, never to return from that tragic school-outing. Gently he would replace the pillow, touch the smiling face in the bedside picture-frame, and ever-so-softly close the door.

At his son's door he would pause a moment, as if to enter.  Drawn by the city lights, and visits that were few and far in between, all that remained behind that closed door was the painfully agonising longing of a father for his son.  Lately there was even talk of a transfer to the big America, so far, far away....

The last room he entered, was dark, with curtains drawn, and the muffled breathing of his terminally ill wife was all that could be heard.  He draws the covers over her shoulders, lovingly planting a soft kiss on her forehead, enjoying her silent presence while he still may.

And from somewhere deep, very deep within his being, a sob would rise, slipping unexpectedly over his lips, muffled in a sigh.  It is so soft, so very soft,  that it is heard only by the solemn darkness that covers the upstairs room of the bakers' house.  Then he bows his head in a soft, brocken prayer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



How do I start to describe Berlin?
 If I was  a painter my pallet would be neutral - not dark, not light.  It would most probably be a pre-rennaisance theme -cold tones and hard lines, with the clean strokes of restoration and recovery, but only as a decorative motive.  It would be an unfinished work, as the top clean overlay of clear varnish would not be able to conceal the dark undertones working itself effortlessly to the surface.  There would be movement -slow, persistant movement of intense distraction -  a constant momentum - but it would only be seen by those standing still long enough to recognise it.
 As a sculptor, my medium would be a solid, bold work of hard concrete ( interlined with steel and barbed wire), laced with art-deco structures  in stone and steel. I might just ad the three-pointed joker's hat somewhere, but it would hardly be visible, and something would constantly try to conceal it.  My theme would capture all the emotions of a lover's loss, with all the futile attempts to find it again.
And if I could write?  No, my story would be to dark to read.  The intricate lines of pain and anger, intertwined with the sadness of a loss of love and hope would be to agonising to the reader, and the lack of a happy ending would leave the reader breathless, sad, and lonely - as if you had spent the day in one of the busiest cities of the world, your shoulders bruised as you forced your way through the crowds, your feet hurting while you searched for a ray of hope, warmth, love,  but found none ( even though the streets were lined with inviting love-escapes).
No matter how many love parades or gay celebrations - nothing could hide the hurting heart of a city marked with the deep scars of war and pain.  The years of bloodshed, tears and fear could never be washed away - and the stark reminders of a Check Point Charly and its relevant museums and shops and the remaining wall would always stand starkly above all else.  All the thousands of tourists gathered in rows, marched through the dark house of rememberance, taking foto's with youths dressed up in the military apparel of the time, are only there to be reminded of the cruelty of man toward man.  But do they see the lines engraved in the walls, made by the tears of the people that once lived and died there?  Do they feel the soul of a people hurting, as if caught in a cage, bounded by the chains of inhumanity?
I was there - and glad to have been - but I have left with a bit of the scar of Berlin on my mind.  And in my heart I know that it will always be a reminder of what still lies ahead for us - people will never change, and the signs of our behavour - one to another - will ever become another museum to show us just what we are............

Monday, October 4, 2010

I SURRENDER ALL................?

Twee verhale in die Bybel wat parallel teenoor mekaar staan, en in soveel opsigte verband hou met mekaar, is die verhaal van die ryk jong man (Mark 10:16-30) en die van Ananieas en Saffira (Hand.5 : 1-11) 

Die ryk jong man kom in eerbied na die Here, soekend na die ewige lewe.  Hy is 'n wetsgehoorsame burger in elke opsig - in so 'n mate dat Jesus hom "aankyk en hom innig liefgekry het".  Ongelukkig het hy nie kans gesien om die laaste (en moontlik die grootste) opoffering in sy lewe te maak nie - hy moes alles neerle en sonder enige aanhangsels na Jesus kom, en Hom volg.
Toe hy omdraai en wegloop, kyk Jesus rond en maak die bekende stelling:..dit is makliker vir 'n kameel ...(25)
In my hart glo ek dat Jesus self in sy hart bedroef was toe die jongman wegloop, en nie net sy skouers argeloos geskud het asof Hy nie omgee dat die man net wegloop nie.  Ek glo dat Hy hom nog lank en met nog steed die 'innige liefde' aangekyk het, want Jesus het geweet: Daar is nog 'n prys wat Hy self sou moes betaal, ook VIR daardie jongman.  En miskien, net miskien, sal daardie man, as hy dalk op daardie dag by die kruis te staan sou kom en die Man daar sien hang wat hom so liefdevol aangekyk het, sal hy dalk, net dalk verstaan wat dit beteken om 'alles' te gee : dat dit meer gaan as net die aardse besittings wat vir hom soveel werd was.  Alles gee is my alles, my volkome self. Daar was dus vir die man nog 'n kans.....

Maar nou eers na Annanias en Saffira.
Hulle het alles beleef : die kruisiging; die opstanding en hemelvaart; die uitstorting vd Heilig Gees; en was deel van die gemeenskap van gelowiges wat in hulself niks terug gehou het nie, maak ook in niks behoeftig was nie (Hand. 4: 34)  Tekens, wonders en magtige getuienisse het voor hulle plaasgevind.  Daar was geen eise aan hulle gestel nie, en hulle kon deel aan die heerlikheid van die eerste gemeente se samesyn.  Maar omdat Joses in Hand. 4 : 36 so geseend was in sy onbaatsugtige handeling, en hy die erkenning daarvoor voor die hele gemeente ontvang het, wil Annanias en Saffira ook bietjie van hierdie eer ontvang.  Hulle kyk dus teen die daad van gee vas, en sien nie die hart agter die daad nie. 

Toe die ryk jongman van Jesus af wegloop, was sy hart nog vas aan sy besittings; tog het Jesus geweet dat Hy in Sy grote liefde, en deur die Soete Heilige Gees, wel nog 'n kans het om die hart van die jongman aan te raak.  Daar was tog immers 'n soeke na waarheid in die man se hart..........

Maar Annanias en Saffira het klaar daardie ontmoeting met die Here gehad; was klaar deel van die gemeente van Christus, en tog nie bereid om alles oor te gee of af te gee nie.  Christus het klaar die voorbeeld gestel; en daagliks was die getuienisse voor hulle van die seen van gehoorsaamheid.  Nog was die vrees in hulle harte, dat as hulle 'alles' sou afgee, hulle niks meer sou oorhe vir hulself nie.  In die proses verloor hulle dan nie net alles waaraan hulle vasklou nie, maar ook hulle LEWE !!


Wanneer ek in my eie lewe kyk na die tye wat ek geestelik 'dood' was, besef ek dis die tye wat ek teruggehou het - nie my alles gegee het nie, of nie volkome wou oorgee nie:- bang dat ek dalk my mens-wees sal verloor in die proses.  En tog het ek dan in die proses van 'teerughou' my wese, my sin vir bestaan en voortgaan, verloor.

En kyk ek so na die kerk van Christus hier op aarde, wonder ek wat Hy sien as Hy so na ons kyk : manne en vroue wat nie meer die hart van 'GEE' verstaan nie;  nie verstaan dat hoe meer jy gee, hoe meer jy ontvang nie;  wat dit is is om alles te gee. En wat ons deur ons manier van gee, ontvang nie.  

Het Hy dan nie die voorbeeld so duidelik gestel nie?

Dan is ek nie verbaas dat daar soveel 'dooie' lede in die Liggaam van Christus is nie.  Soveel mense wat net 'aanhangsels' geword het; kragtelose wolke wat soos 'n dooie gewig aan die Liggaam hang.  Mense wat ophou 'gee' het, of erger nog:  NIE HULLE ALLES WIL GEE NIE, EN ANDER VERHINDER OM DIESELFDE TE DOEN !!  (en dan met 'n selfversekerheid in die Heiligdom ingaan, sonder om te besef dat hulle in hulle harte reeds die dood ontvang het)

Was jy maar liewer koud of warm...................!!

Hy het Sy ALLES vir ons gegee; Sy volkome alles !! 

Want Hy het geweet dat Hy ook daardeur weer ALLES sou ontvang:  ONS !!